Helping 40/50-year-old professionals of GenX find more freedom, peace, and happiness.

Groundbreaking practices, tools, and teachings so that GenX'ers can find more freedom, peace, and happiness in the next chapter of their life and on their terms! 

So many GenX’ers in their 40s and 50s are waking up most days with feelings of restlessness, discontent, and an overall sense of unease.  They long for something more in life, but struggle with knowing where to start because they believe that they’re too old, it’s too late, or they’re too trapped in their “successful” life and aren’t sure where to start.  

Michele understands this struggle.  Despite a successful government lawyer career, becoming a 3-time Ironman, and climbing 14,000-foot mountains, Michele began to suffer from severe anxiety and depression in her mid-40’s that left her feeling hopeless and apathetic about her life.  Through some chance encounters, she stumbled on tools and practices that slowly brought her back to life.  And this time, it was a life on her own terms!

Michele is now dedicated to helping other 40 and 50-year-olds of Generation X who long for a more fulfilling life.  Michele is a Certified Professional Coach and Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher who combines these proven strategies and ancient practices to help GenXers find more freedom, peace, and happiness so that they can create life on their own terms. 

Available Offerings

Kickstart Your Mindfulness Practice: 10 Lessons for More Confidence, Courage, and Clarity

A life-changing program with science-based teachings and guided meditations to help Gen X'ers kickstart a mindfulness practice that will support you in finding more confidence, courage, and clarity so that you can live life on your own terms.  

Click "Sign Me Up" to start your program!   

5-Day Experience for Legal Professionals: Building YourWell-BeingFoundations

A 5-day Experience structured around the Institute for Well-Being in Law's recommendations for five areas of focus for catalyzing well-being in the legal profession:  Physical, Spiritual,  Occupational/Intellectual, Social, and Emotional.

Each day of this 5-day Experience focuses on one of these areas with modules that will include a 15-minute talk, a 15-minute guided meditation, and a worksheet or exercise.  At the end of these 5 days, you'll have a solid foundation on which to build more holistic well-being in your life.  

My Offerings Available Offerings
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